Privacy Policy

Thank you for using our apps:

This privacy policy describes how we handle the information that we do not collect when you use our apps.

Data Collection

Our apps do not collect any personal data, usage data, or any other type of data from you.

Data Usage

Since we do not collect any data, we do not use it in any way.

Data Sharing

We do not share any data with any third-party service providers or any other entities, since we do not collect any data.

Data Retention

We do not retain any data since we do not collect any data.


We take security very seriously. We use appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect against unauthorized or unlawful access to your information. However, since we do not collect any data, there is nothing to secure.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. If we do, we will post the updated policy on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or our apps, please contact us at

Thank you for using our apps!

Antonio Lanciotti & Andrea Strappa - StraLanc